The logging of South Carolina's virgin bottomland forests in the early 1600's. Wealthy landowners cleared lands to cultivate cash crops such as indigo, rice, and cotton. Early loggers could only cut the bottomland forests that were closest to the rivers. After logs were cut and dragged into the rivers, they were rafted together and floated down the river to mills in cities like Charles Towne and Georgetown. Until the Civil War, plantation owners made huge profits on their cash crops of indigo, rice and cotton due to the overabundance of slavery. By the late 1860's the end of the Civil War had left these plantations burnt and slave-free.  Unable to farm their huge plantation without slave labor, owners were forced to sell or lease their land to carpetbaggers from the north, just to pay the property taxes. Sawmill towns sprang up across the state along the rivers and streams. Timber was cut upstream from the mills, rafted together, and floated downstream to the mill. By the 1880's, railroads were quickly adopted to penetrate the uninhabitable bottomland forests. Steam powered tugboat made it possible to pull logs upstream to the mill. By 1930 most of South Carolina's virgin bottomland forests were gone. South Carolina at one time had a large amount of virgin long leaf pine. These trees were sapped by cutting deep chevron cuts into the heart pine. The sap was collected in drip pans in the same way maple is collected to make syrup. The sap was then distilled to make turpentine, pine tar and other navel supplies. The heart wood of the longleaf heart pine has the tightest growth rings of any other southern grown heart pine. Born Again Heartwoods only recovers longleaf heart pine with a minimum of 10 growth rings per inch and most recovered heart pine logs exceed 15 rings per inch. These tight growth ring hearts pines have been sought after for hundreds of year for their rich colors, and a hardness not found in any other species of heart pine. Old growth virgin longleaf heart pine is equal to white oak in hardness. It's hardness makes it an amazing choice for heart pine floors. The floors of Mt. Vernon (The home of George Washington) are longleaf heart pine and still going strong after more then 250 years.  Born Again Heartwoods  recovers these longleaf heart pine logs similar to the logs below with flooring in mind.